A safe and fun way to safeguard young people online

Our work is designed to engage young people on current and emerging online threats that provides young people with the knowledge they need to stay safe online. Young people, educators and parents/guardians were all involved in the development of CyGamBIT, which covers the primary areas of concerns for all parties, and allows for their often contrasting priorities to be addressed in a shared learning experience. 

4.8 rating in trials *n=200 young people


Co-Production is Key

Co-production plays a pivotal role in the success of any product, which is why we collaborated with both young individuals and their parents or guardians to craft the game content. Our aim was to tackle the primary worries that the entire family faces. By covering the essential areas of concern for parents, such as cyber bullying, self-identity, and image, and simultaneously addressing the worries of young individuals including privacy, security, scams, and phishing, our product, CyGamBIT, offers families the opportunity to unite these contrasting priorities into a shared educational journey.

Through CyGamBIT, we’re not just teaching cybersecurity; we’re empowering young minds to understand and value their digital privacy. It’s about creating a safer, more aware online community

Dr Jane Henriksen-Bulmer

CyGamBIT Co-Founder

Our mission is to make experiences that impact on young people, safeguarding them now and preparing them for their future

Emily Rosenorn-Lanng

CyGamBIT Co-Founder

Find out more and talk about the future

Get in touch so that together we can create a safer online world for the next generation