About us

Play, Learn, Protect

We are CyGamBIT, a cyber security education game for young people. We are a team of academics from the University of Bournemouth, who are passionate about cyber security and safeguarding young people from online harms.


We created CyGamBIT, a game that teaches young people how to identify and avoid common cyber threats, such as phishing, scams, bullying, or identity theft.


Our game is based on the latest research and trends in cyber security, and covers the primary areas of concern for young people and their parents/guardians. Our game is also aligned with the National Cyber Strategy, which aims to make the UK the safest place to live and work online.


CyGamBIT is vital in today’s digital world as it equips young learners with essential cybersecurity knowledge and skills in an engaging, interactive way, fostering a safer and more informed online generation.

We believe that cyber security is not only a technical skill but also a life skill that every young person should learn and practice. We also believe that learning should be fun and engaging and that games are a powerful tool to achieve that.

Emily Rosenorn-Lanng
Co-creator and PhD candidate in Game-Based Learning

Serious Learning Through Play

Unique Learning Experience

Live Service and reactive to emerging threats


Designed for 8-16 year olds


CyGamBIT has been carefully designed to meet the needs and aspirations of young people, giving them a great opportunity to gain a deep understanding of cybersecurity from an early age. The game encompasses a myriad of essential subjects, empowering young minds to delve into captivating topics

What Players say

Playing CyGamBIT not only makes learning about online safety fun, but it also opened my eyes to the importance of protecting my personal information on the internet. I never realised how much my privacy mattered until I navigated the challenges in the game.

KS4 Student

Find out more and talk about the future

Get in touch so we can create a safer online world for the next generation